Your Health Check

A graduate career Health Check will help you identify areas where you are weak and strong approaching job or placement applications. Being aware of your strengths and weaknesses will better inform you about the actions you need to take to improve your employability to achieve graduate job success.

Your Health Check: What you need to know…

The total checklist should take you no longer than 1-2 minutes to complete and the results will inform you about important next steps.

We recommend you answer each question honestly and act on the advice once you receive your score out of a total of 10 points. Your feedback score will inform you of the following next steps for which there are resources provided throughout this Graduate Futures Toolkit and from the Careers & Employability Centre:


So maybe you haven’t even thought about your graduate career yet, and many students don’t think about their future until final year. At the Careers & Employability Centre our motto is ‘It’s never too late!’. If you’re a first or second year, then now is your chance to give yourself a vital push. Book a One-to-One with one of our excellent Careers Guidance Counsellors. Call in to us at the Careers & Employability Centre to request an appointment, or book one by signing up for Careers Connect, the online portal for all things graduate careers. Simply use your student email and password to login and complete the booking form there. Click on the button below now:


You’re warming up exercises have begun, but the sprint to job application and graduate success fast approaching. We recommend you explore the Graduate Futures Toolkit, the ‘Me & My CV’ tile in particular. Here you will find top tips on CV and interview preparation, how to write cover letters, complete job application forms and much more. You may wish to seek some editorial advice with a CV Clinic from our Careers Guidance Counsellors once you create your first CV. If so, book an appointment with us then as above, but for now check out all the wonderful information to help you put your best foot forward. Click on the button below now:


You are doing really well and engaging superbly with your prospective graduate career. You should be proud of yourself, well done! We’d like you to think increasingly about your transferability of skills, potential for lifelong learning and the graduate attributes you’ve developed during the course of your programme of study. When it comes to graduate employability success, graduate attributes and innovative learning go hand in hand together. We have provided a workbook for you to scroll through, complete activities and retain notes to reflect on how the graduate you are becoming will meet the world of work. Come by the Careers & Employability Centre for your free workbook or click the button below to access or download your Graduate Attributes Workbook now:

When you have completed your Health Check you may like to revisit the Graduate Future Toolkit and make a plan of action to read, digest and create or improve your CV. Return to the Graduate Futures Toolkit now:

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